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22 Jul, 2024


Instructions for Using Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution

Bimatoprost is a multi-purpose eye medication. You can now buy Bimatoprost for eyelash growth, and also for other disorders such as glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Find the detailed information for using Bimatoprost below.


Ocular hypertension can cause pain in the eyes, redness, vision troubles, nausea, or vomiting. There is no particular symptom of glaucoma. But it can cause vision problems or vision loss in the long-run, due to damage to the optic nerve. The symptoms of eyelash hypotrichosis are very visible. A complete lack of eyelashes or an inadequate number of eyelashes is easily visible.


· Ocular hypertension basically means that your eye pressure has exceeded the normal range, i.e., 10 to 20 mm HG due to excess collection of the fluid aqueous humour on the top of your eyes. 

· Ocular hypertension or high IOP is a very common cause of open-angle glaucoma, where the optic nerve is damaged resulting in permanent vision loss.

· Eyelash hypotrichosis can be genetic or the eyelash fallout may happen due to external factors such as exposure to harsh chemicals, medications, etc.

Bimatoprost Recommendation:

Through a tonometry test, the doctor measures the eye pressure on your eyes. If it is more than normal and requires medical care, then your doctor will give you a prescription for Bimatoprost ophthalmic solution. 

Bimatoprost is also recommended by ophthalmologists for controlling hypotrichosis and growing darker, thicker, and longer eyelashes, after proper medical examination hence you can opt to buy Bimatoprost online.

Usage Information:

Bimatoprost helps the fluid collected on the eye surface (aqueous humour) to flow out of the eye through the trabecular meshwork. This brings back the eye pressure to its normal range. Thus, IOP is regulated.

When applied on the lash line, the Bimatoprost solution interacts with the numerous hair follicles present and makes them grow more eyelashes. Also, it extends the growth phase of the lashes so that they can grow longer. 


The cheap Bimatoprost online ophthalmic solution has a huge market in the U.S.A. This has made it very easy for U.S. customers and others from all over the world to purchase the products at cheap prices. Due to the growth of e-commerce Bimatoprost solutions are now available online as well as in local drug stores and pharmacies. 


  • Check for allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the chemicals in Bimatoprost from an ophthalmologist before you buy Bimatoprost online USA.
  • Discuss current medications (antibiotics, herbal, and others), and prevailing health problems of liver, kidney, lungs, etc. 
  • Check for multiple drug interferences, reveal pregnancy or possible conception, breastfeeding, etc. 
  • Reveal if you have any other eye disorders, eye surgeries, missing or torn lens, uveitis, macular, edema, etc.

Application Products:

These application tools come along when you buy Bimatoprost online. 

Dropper - For the topical application of Bimatoprost on the eye surface for lowering the elevated pressure.

Applicator Stick - For the dermal application of the medicated solution, to help the hair follicles grow thick, long, and dark eyelashes.

Application Method:

For ocular hypertension and glaucoma - Pour the required number of drops from the Bimatoprost solution bottle directly on top of the eye lens.

For hypotrichosis of eyelashes - The applicator stick is glided along the bottom skin of the upper eyelashes. The liquid should never be applied to the lower lashes.

Application Precautions:

  • For both the methods, before application, any eye make-up, false lashes, contact lens, etc. should be completely removed.
  • No other eye medication should be applied within 5 minutes of using the Careprost solution. The contact lenses can be worn back after 15 minutes.
  • A new applicator stick should be taken while applying to each eye. The sticks should not be reused again to prevent cross-contamination.

Side Effects:

Temporary side effects include an itching sensation in the eyes, redness, little burning, sensitivity to light, etc.  

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